Pavilion Health Today
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Health professionals receive a boost from PHE

Obesity is a growing concern for health professionals in England and Wales, Eustace de Sousa, Public Health England’s deputy director for families, warned last week.

Obesity is a growing concern for health professionals in England and Wales,

He pointed to statistics which show that at reception age 9.3% of children are obese. This rises to 18.9% in year 6. He said inequalities were a significant factor poorer children were often more likely to be obese, so the aim of PHE is to address this.

Nevertheless, de Sousa told the hall that he wanted to share some €œpositive stories we don’t often hear about in the press€, stating recent downward trends in numbers of young people who €œsmoke, drink and take drugs€. 

To view the slides from Eustace’s presentation, click here

You can listen to or download Eustace’s talk here

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