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Results from the BJFM menopause survey

In September’s issue of BJFM we ran, in partnership with our colleagues at Besins Healthcare (UK) Ltd., a survey to understand where health professionals may have gaps in knowledge when it comes to treating the menopause. The results are in, and the findings are available in this article.

When we launched our menopause survey, the single biggest aim was to understand the level of education and training among GPs regarding the menopause, and to determine the knowledge regarding the symptoms of the menopause and also the treatment options that would be considered in practice.

Additionally, as a journal, we wanted to use it as an opportunity to shape future editorial direction, using the results to fill in any knowledge gaps that might have been uncovered by the results. More than 200 people took the survey – 203 to be precise – exceeding our expectations, and this has given us a real handle on what health professionals are experiencing on the frontline, and the potential challenges that are faced.

To everyone who completed the survey, we’d like to thank you for your involvement and support.

The following article provides an overview and analysis of the survey.

Results from the BJFM Menopause Survey

Louise Newson Consultant Editor, Woman’s Health

Rob Mair Editor, British Journal of Family Health

This survey has been financed by Besins Healthcare (UK) Ltd who provided input in the content of the questions. BHUK/2017/560b – August 2017


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Rob Mair

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