Pavilion Health Today
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White paper: Malnutrition: the role of primary care

A white paper from Family Medicine at Pavilion Health Today

Globally, dietary factors are responsible for about one in five deaths. GPs can play an important and active role in supporting patients living with obesity or undernutrition to lower their risk of serious health complications. This white paper explores this topic in more detail.

Globally, dietary factors are responsible for about one in five deaths. GPs can play an important and active role in supporting patients living with obesity or undernutrition to lower their risk of serious health complications. However, a recent study highlighted that the effectiveness of brief weight-loss advice could be improved if GPs were given clearer guidance on evidence-based recommendations. This white paper explores: The scale of the problem: undernutrition The scale of the problem: obesity The role of primary care in managing undernutrition The role of primary care in managing obesity Nutrition and older patients Nutrition and younger patients  


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