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Book review: Emergency Neurology (Second edition)

Dr Harry Brown reviews Emergency Neurology, which is suitable for junior and more experienced neurology staff.

Emergency Neurology (Second edition)

Sara LaHue and Morris Levin

Oxford University Press

ISBN  978-0-19-006430-3

Price £32.99  (Published 26th August 2021)

This is an excellent book that is part of a series which has a neurological theme. One of the reviews at the back of this book, written by a seemingly distinguished clinician, states: “This book will get you into the mindset of a modern  neurohospitalist and surely improve your practice.”

I had not heard of a neurohospitalist before, but this phrase neatly sums up the book. This is a book aimed at neurologists and adopts a case-based approach to both common and rare tricky clinical situations that a neurologist is likely to face. A short case-based history starts the chapter followed by the question: “What do you do now?”. The authors of the book, Sara LaHue MD and Morris Levin MD, then provide expert advice.

Helpfully, the chapters are short and easily readable. They can be read in a short period of time and enhance the clinicians’ approach to the clinical problem in front of them.

Presented scenarios include Cauda Equina Syndrome, thunderclap headache, first seizure and febrile seizure. The conditions are grouped into diagnostic dilemmas, treatment dilemmas and paediatric dilemmas. Intriguing and interesting topics are also covered, and I found the section on “Neurologic Complications of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors” fascinating.

This book has a lot going for it and it’s readership is clearly defined. It looks at difficult areas where sometimes the evidence it not always clear cut. These are tricky clinical conundrums in which you would want to ask a respected and learned colleague to advise. Of course, not every scenario is covered, as this would be a massive undertaking that would quickly go out of date. However, a significant number of scenarios are covered.

Equally, this book can be looked upon as a refresher in common dilemmas or a go-to book in specific scenarios. Both junior and more experienced neurology staff will enjoy reading through this book and learning from it.

In fact, I would be interested to see whether the same concept of “What do I do now?” (a common question clinicians ask themselves) could be applied to other specialties. These would make great books.

What makes this book so accessible is the brevity that follows the case history with only a few but very readable and fact-filled pages that are clinically relevant.

Even better, this book is keenly priced and should be in the price range of most neurologists. A most impressive book that is scholarly, educational and relevant to cutting-edge clinical practice.

Dr Harry Brown is a retired GP and medical editor of Pavilion Health Today


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Dr Harry Brown

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